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Dr. Robert Loew
Here you can find information about my activities of the last time.
For example, about the projects Hörweg [Audio Trail] and Education 4.0 for SME.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)   (you need a Passcode)
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Brief Profile

IT Focus

  • Knowledge management and knowledge transfer

  • Design of IT infrastructures

  • OpenSource systems

  • Software design and prototype development

  • IT Security

Core Competences

  • Strategic and analytical thinking

  • Knowledge transfer

  • Team motivation and development

  • Flexibility

  • Passion for lifelong learning

Didactics Focus

  • Media-based interactive learning

  • Learning psychology and motivation

  • »Modern forms of learning« : inverted classroom, eLearning / blended learning, project-based learning

Industry Experience

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Banking and insurance sector

  • Information / communication industry

  • Science and research

  • Non-profit organizations


  • German (mother tongue)

  • English (fluent spoken and written)


  • Large strategic personal network of specialists

  • International cross-thematic knowledge exchange


About Me

For many years, I have been involved in a wide range of IT topics – from software design and development to IT infrastructure and knowledge management.

Meeting of Atlantis Project Group July 2023
(Note : Image blurred for privacy reasons)
What was exciting for me was the range of projects – both in terms of content and scope.
Student projects up to large projects of international companies from different industries gave me the opportunity to share and expand my knowledge.

Besides IT, one of my main focuses is on the topic of »learning and teaching«, which has been driving me since the year 2000.

Why »Modern Learning« ?
Retention rate in relation to the type of learning
Here I am concerned with the so–called »modern learning« – by which I basically mean media–supported, interactive and collaborative learning.
Under the motto »Learning by Contribution« I prefer to design teaching according to the principle »the less I talk myself, the more successful an event is« – which usually leads to a high motivation of the learners.

Example from a course on »Privacy« with interactions for participants
(using my self-developed learning and presentation environment)
Methods such as »Inverted Classroom«, »eLearning / Blended Learning« and »Project–based Learning« form the didactic basis for this, accompanied by insights from the psychology of learning.
From IT lessons in elementary schools to various courses at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and in adult education, I was able to successfully apply these principles, whereby the main goal was often not (only) the technical qualification but the enabling of teamwork among the participants.

CERC 2023 in Barcelona
In the context of organizing scientific conferences, I am committed to open and communicative collaboration among researchers.
Here, both the international and the preferably interdisciplinary character are important to me, which very often leads to the most surprising discussion results.

Information Brokerage – A new Approach using Knowledge Management
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, 2009
… more
Masterthesis :
»Design and Implementation of an Intranet - Solution especially with Workflow - Aspects«
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, 2001
Diplomathesis :
»Concept and prototypical realisation of an intranet solution for Dresdner Bauspar AG«
University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, 1997

Project Hörweg [Audio Trail]

what is the »Hörweg« ?

The audio trail is an augmented reality project series for rural areas.
It invites you on audio walks and conveys history, the present, nature and ecology on site by ear.

Three audio trails are now available :

  • Dieburg
    With the ear on the way in the Dieburg forest –
    A hiking trail with auditory attractions.
  • Groß-Bieberau
    With the ear on the way between nature, past and present.
  • Schaafheim
    With the ear on the way through the historic town center.

more information via

Projekt Education 4.0 for SME

The project on »Education 4.0 for SMEs« aims at finding out more about possible support of SMEs in their digitization challenges in terms of knowledge transfer. In a high-technology sector such as the composite sector, it is essential to collect a company's knowledge of specific software, IT technologies, or machines and to share this knowledge among its employees. Hence, the main objective of the project is to research and develop organizational and technical solutions to support SMEs in the composite sector by introducing or improving digital knowledge transfer in order to prepare them for the challenges of »Digitization« and »Industry 4.0«.

Project duration : April 2018 to March 2022

more information via

Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC)
The multidisciplinary Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) is an annual event that takes place since 2011 when it was initiated by University partners across Europe. It brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to foster knowledge transfer, inter-disciplinary exchange, and collaboration.
We invite researchers to submit extended abstracts or full papers and to attend the conference. We especially welcome early-stage researchers to present new research topics.
In previous years, contributions came from computer science, biology, bioinformatics, business information systems, marketing, IT-security, civil engineering, education, psychology, multimedia, art, etc. Contributing students came from Ireland, Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Japan, Norway, France, Turkey, etc.

more information via

The last CERC was held in Barcelona, Spain, from 9 to 10 June 2023 :


Afli, Haithem / Blasi Casagran, Cristina / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane)
Proceedings of the 9th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2023)
Darmstadt, Germany : Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences
➽ Details
Filipenko, Michael / Kranawetleitner, Tanja / Krebs, Heike / Lechler, Katharina / Loew, Robert / Pistoll, Diana / Priesmeier, Florian
Handlungsempfehlungen (Projekt Bildung 4.0 für KMU)
Augsburg, Germany : Projekt Bildung 4.0 Self Publishing
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Kranawetleitner, Tanja / Krebs, Heike / Kuhn, Nina / Loew, Robert
The Future of Education – Lessons learned from CERC Workshop »Future of Education« and an Online Course on »Digital Basics« (deutsche Version)
Cork, Ireland : CERC – Self Publishing
➽ Details
Kranawetleitner, Tanja / Krebs, Heike / Kuhn, Nina / Loew, Robert
The Future of Education – Lessons learned from CERC Workshop »Future of Education« and an Online Course on »Digital Basics«
In : Afli, Haithem / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane); Proceedings of the 8th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2021); Darmstadt, Germany : Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences

➽ Details
Afli, Haithem / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane)
Proceedings of the 8th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2021)
Darmstadt, Germany : Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences
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Ehrlich, Irina / Filipenko, Michael / Kranawetleitner, Tanja / Krebs, Heike / Loew, Robert / Pistoll, Diana / Thurner-Irmler, Julia
Escaping the Everyday Chaos : Assessing the Needs for Internal Knowledge Transfer in SMEs via an Escape Room
In : Afli, Haithem / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Regier, Stefanie / Stengel, Ingo / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane); Proceedings of the 7th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2020); Aachen, Germany : CEUR-WS

➽ Details
Afli, Haithem / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Regier, Stefanie / Stengel, Ingo / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane)
Proceedings of the 7th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2020)
Aachen, Germany : CEUR-WS
➽ Details
Filipenko, Michael / Hoffmann, Alwin / Krebs, Heike / Loew, Robert / Menner, Marietta / Pistoll, Diana / Priesmeier, Florian / Herrmann (geb. Schneider), Oliver
Towards Digital Knowledge Transfer in Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises
In : Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Regier, Stefanie / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul; Proceedings of the 6th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2019); Aachen, Germany : CEUR-WS

➽ Details
Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Regier, Stefanie / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul
Proceedings of the 6th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2019)
Aachen, Germany : CEUR-WS
➽ Details
Bleimann, Udo / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Regier, Stefanie / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul
Proceedings of the 5th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2017)
Karlsruhe, Germany : CERC Self Publishing
➽ Details
Ehlers, Nils / Loew, Robert / Bleimann, Udo
Industry 4.0 national and international
In : Bleimann, Udo / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul; Proceedings of the 4th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2016); Cork, Ireland : CERC Self Publishing

➽ Details
Bleimann, Udo / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul
Proceedings of the 4th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2016)
Cork, Ireland : CERC Self Publishing
➽ Details
Bleimann, Udo / Loew, Robert
Learning by Contribution – Using Wikis in Higher Education
In : Handke, Jürgen / Kiesler, Natalie / Wiemeyer, Leonie; The Inverted Classroom Model, Proceedings of the 2nd German ICM-Conference Marburg; München : Oldenbourg Verlag

➽ Details
Driscoll, Aisling O' / Walsh, Paul / Bleimann, Udo / Humm, Bernhard / Stengel, Ingo / Bours, Patrick
Proceedings of the 3rd Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2013)
Cork, Ireland : CERC Self Publishing
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Bours, Patrick / Humm, Bernhard / Loew, Robert / Stengel, Ingo / Walsh, Paul
Proceedings of the 2nd Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2012)
Darmstadt, Germany : CERC Self Publishing
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Stengel, Ingo / Bleimann, Udo / Humm, Bernhard / Walsh, Paul
Proceedings of the 1st Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2011)
Cork, Ireland : CERC Self Publishing
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Loew, Robert
Information Brokerage – A new Approach using Knowledge Management (PhD Thesis)
Cork, Ireland : Cork Institute of Technology
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Loew, Robert / Kuemmel, Katrin / Ruprecht, Judith / Bleimann, Udo / Walsh, Paul
Approaches for Personalised Knowledge Retrieval (winner of Emerald Outstanding Paper Award 2008)
In : Cheung, Christy; Internet Research; Vol. 17; No. 1; Bingley, UK : Emerald

➽ Details
Loew, Robert / Bleimann, Udo
Das Knowledge Broker Network
In : Eibl, Max / Reiterer, Harald / Stephan, Peter Friedrich / Thissen, Frank; Knowledge Media Design (2. Auflage); München, Germany : Oldenbourg Verlag

➽ Details
Loew, Robert / Kuemmel, Katrin / Ruprecht, Judith / Bleimann, Udo / Walsh, Paul
Approaches for Personalised Knowledge Retrieval
In : Furnell, Steven M. / Dowland, Paul S.; Proceedings of Fifth International Network Conference (INC 2006); University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK : Emerald

➽ Details
Loew, Robert / Rausch, Monika / Bleimann, Udo
Suchen & Finden - Ein hybrider Ansatz zur Identifikation von Wissensquellen
In : Bleimann, Udo / Stephan, Peter Friedrich; i-com (Heft 02/2006); Vol. 2006; No. 2; München, Germany : Oldenbourg Verlag

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Loew, Robert / Rausch, Monika / Bleimann, Udo / Walsh, Paul
Hybrid Approach for managing Knowledge within Companies
In : eMinds (01 2005); Vol. 1; No. 1;

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Loew, Robert / Bleimann, Udo / Walsh, Paul
Knowledge Broker Network Based On Communication between Humans
In : Campus-Wide Information Systems; Vol. 21; No. 5; Bingley, UK : Emerald

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Loew, Robert / Murphy, Brendan / Bleimann, Udo
Knowledge Broker Network Based On Communication between Humans
In : Furnell, Steven M. / Dowland, Paul S.; Proceedings of Fourth International Network Conference (INC 2004); Plymouth, UK : University of Plymouth

➽ Details
Loew, Robert / Murphy, Brendan / Bleimann, Udo / Preuss, Joerg
My Information Broker
In : Furnell, Steven M. / Dowland, Paul S.; Proceedings of Third International Network Conference (INC 2002); Plymouth, UK : University of Plymouth

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Loew, Robert
Design and Implementation of an Intranet-Solution especially with Workflow-Aspects (MSc Thesis)
Cork, Ireland : Cork Institute of Technology
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Loew, Robert / Bleimann, Udo / Stynes, Jeanne / Stengel, Ingo / McDonald, Aidan
Hierarchical Peripheral Distributed Directory Service for Enterprise Computing
In : Furnell, Steven M. / Dowland, Paul S.; Proceedings of Second International Network Conference (INC 2000); Plymouth, UK : University of Plymouth

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Loew, Robert / Stengel, Ingo / Bleimann, Udo / McDonald, Aidan
Security aspects of an enterprise-wide network architecture
In : Internet Research (Electronic Networking Applications and Policy); Vol. 9; No. 1; Bradfort, UK : MCB University Press

➽ Details
Loew, Robert / Stynes, Jeanne / Bleimann, Udo / Stengel, Ingo / McDonald, Aidan
Distributed Directory Service for Enterprise Computing
In : Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on interactive systems : the problem of human-computer interaction 1999; Ulyanovsk, Russia : Ulyanovsk University

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Loew, Robert
Security Aspects of an Intranet Solution
In : Furnell, Steven M. / Dowland, Paul S.; Proceedings of International Network Conference (INC 1998); Plymouth, UK : University of Plymouth

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Loew, Robert
Konzept und prototypische Realisierung einer Intranet-Lösung für die Dresdner Bauspar AG (Diplomarbeit)
Darmstadt, Germany : Fachbereich Informatik der FH Darmstadt in Kooperation mit dem Labor für verteilte AnwendungsSysteme
➽ Details


© Dr. Robert Loew, 2025
Kontakt :  

Tel. +49 6151 6296943

Mobil +49 177 266 80 77

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